Tuesday, 07.09.2021 // 17:00 – 22:00
Wednesday, 08.09.2021 – Friday, 10.09.2021 // 13:00 – 20:00
Saturday, 11.09.2021 – Sunday, 12.09.2021 // 12:00 – 19:00
The artist is influenced by the time when the model car racing track found its way into the affluent society of the 1970s, the car as a status symbol for young and old. The racetrack serves as a projection surface for the perception of a society that is geared towards speed and competition. The artist takes up these aspects in his staging of objects. He presents them in a landscape with fast cars and various symbolic figures from the consumer world. The artistic engagement takes place with the scene or the arena of car races. Markeli's racecourse is an artifact with which the artist breaks his interpretation of the spectacle down to a scale of 1:32 and tries to stimulate all the senses of the viewer. The focus is on the interaction between the work of art and the audience, which is established through a playful approach. The object has been continuously developed and transformed since 2012, and the individual interactions are inscribed in the materiality of the track
Geprägt ist der Künstler von jener Zeit, in der die Modellautorennbahn Einzug in die Wohlstandsgesellschaft der 1970er Jahre fand, das Auto als Statussymbol für Groß und Klein.
So dient die Rennbahn als Projektionsfläche für die Wahrnehmung einer Gesellschaft, die auf Schnelligkeit und Wettkampf ausgerichtet ist. Diese Aspekte greift der Künstler in seiner Objektinszenierung auf. Er präsentiert sie in einer Landschaft mit schnellen Autos und verschiedenen Symbolfiguren aus der Konsumwelt. Die künstlerische Auseinandersetzung findet mit der Szene beziehungsweise der Arena von Autorennen statt. Markelis Rennbahn ist ein Artefakt mit dem der Künstler seine Interpretation des Spektakels auf einen Maßstab von 1:32 herunterbricht und dabei alle Sinne des Betrachtenden anzuregen sucht. Im Zentrum steht die Interaktion zwischen Kunstwerk und Publikum, welche durch einen spielerischen Zugang hergestellt wird.
Das Objekt wird seit 2012 konstant weiterentwickelt und transformiert, genauso schreiben sich die einzelnen Interaktionen in die Materialität der Bahn ein
2009 – 2021
built by Martin Markeli
at MuseumsQuartier Vienna
2009 : summer at MuseumsQuartier / VIENNA / 6may-29aug
2010 : summer at MuseumsQuartier / VIENNA / 8may-30aug
2011 : summer at MuseumsQuartier / VIENNA / 8may-30aug
2011 : horizont soccer cup / VIENNA
2012 : summer at MuseumsQuartier / VIENNA / 8may-30aug
2014 : embedded world 2014 / CODICO / Nuernberg
2014 : electronica 2014, / CODICO / Munich 26th International Trade Fair for Electronic Components,
2015 : Cultiva Hemp fair / vienna /austria 2–4 october 2015
2015 : cannafest Prag / czech republic 6–8 november 2015
2016 June 8 Vienna expert club
2017 : get together MuseumsQuartier 06-09-2017
2021 Parallel Artfair Vienna 07-12 september 2021

upgrade track 4 times (race seasons at MuseumsQuartier )
more then 15000 people raced on this track , aprox. 22000 raced km
1 ) MODUL 1 + MODUL 2 / 3720mm ,wide 1200mm
2 ) MODUL 1 + MODUL 2 + MODUL 3 / / length 4720mm ,wide 1200mm
Total lane 1 / 32 meter
Total lane 2 / 33,5 meter
LapTimer is a small MS Windows program that will count and time laps on any scale slot car track. Laps are timed with 1/1000 of a second accuracy.
umber will also be updated when a slot car passes over the lap counter.
2 Graupner 100 — 240 Vac Power supply 300 W (5 — 15 Vdc 0 — 20 A)
Output power 300 W
Input voltage 100 — 240 Vac
Output voltage 5 — 15 Vdc
Output current 0 — 20 A
2 Parma Hand Control / 45 Ohm Plus Hand Control
Parma is without question the premier manufacturer of after-market slot car hand controllers. Parma has been building controllers for all scales of slot car racing for over 35 years
The Parma Economy hand controller uses a single-barrel wire-wound power resistor, and a completely enclosed controller body. The handle is molded in tough Lexan,
/ Motor braking will allow your slot car to stop much more quickly. Normally, without motor braking, your slot car will continue to roll after power is removed from the motor
1/32 Analog Slot Cars — Camaro ‘69
Front axle width: 54 mm
Front tire diameter: 19 mm
Front wheel width: 8 mm
Gear ratio: 11/36
Weight: 95 mg
Wheelbase: 85 mm

pictures of outdoor race challenge at MQ https://flic.kr/s/aHsjuRkTpD